20th SEPTEMBER 2017
Wednesday 20th September 2017, was the beginning of the auditions for the innovations that would later proceed to the finals. All the applicants of the Tech Expo were invited to the audition that was starting at 2pm with first come first served priority.
The auditions entailed an oral 3 minutes presentation and 3 minutes questions and answers and 1minute AOB. The panelists were mainly interested in marketing and ownership rights of the innovation.
We did an oral presentation as per the requirements where we gave a brief description of the innovation and showed a sample of the product.
17th to 18thOCTOBER 2017
These two days entailed an audition on 17th at 2pm where we did a 3 minutes power point presentation and 3 minutes questions. The panelists then gave their comments and advice on the areas to improve on during the expo. The panelists also did a sensory test on the yoghurt and they said they would send a confirmation on the shortlisted innovations that would proceed to the expo finals on the 9th and 10th of November.
On the 18th October, we attended a brief training session on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), pitching and presentation. This training took about 2 hours. The IP entailed different procedures of patenting our innovations.
In conclusion, we would like to thank IFBT department as a whole and DeHUB for the continual support and for facilitating our trips to JKUAT.